Sunday, October 24, 2004

Michael Moore (almost) comes to Portland

He was unable to attend because of a family emergency, but they still had a great program set up: one of the founders of, the family of a soldier killed in Iraq, and a soldier that just came back from there. Michael did call in though, and here's his phone conversation to us, projected over the speakers to the crowd: Moore.wma (windows media audio, 4 MB, 20 mins long)

Some pictures from that day:

The first of the protesters...

And the first of the people...

The sound crew setting up speakers...

Channel 8 News arrives...

People watching from an apartment window, high above the square...

More people start to arrive...

...until the square is packed with people...

A mother with a son in Iraq...



A guy giving the peace sign to people driving by...



The square is quite packed by now...

The Bush-Cheney bus kept driving by, honking its horn...

And again...

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