Saturday, January 14, 2006

Brokeback Mountain
(5 stars out of five)
In a year of great movies, this tops them all. This is my pick for the best film of the year… it is truly an amazing, AMAZING film. This is a film that fearlessly dares to break down walls and barriers, without looking back and without apologizing. This is a film about love, friendship, and the importance of human tolerance and understanding. It makes the love between two men as potent and beautiful as any other romance you’ve seen on screen before, without sacrificing truth, and avoiding the pitfalls of stereotypes that would normally hinder such an on-screen relationship. Everything you’ve heard about the film is true: it is just as striking, poetic and moving as everyone is saying it is. Possibly even more. Ang Lee (The Ice Storm) directs the film with patience and stillness, and the film deserves an audience willing to give it that sort of attention as well. The cast is excellent, with (of course) special mention going to the two leads, most of all Heath Ledger. It’s a little overlong near the end, but fuck it… it doesn’t really matter. It’s one of those films where it has given you so much throughout the film, that you’re willing to give it as much time as it wants from you. A great movie, and one of the most important films of the decade.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review, can't wait to see this film, have heard it is one of this year's best.