Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gone Baby Gone

Holy fucking shit... Ben Affleck can direct.

Most people seem to agree, especially after this movie, that Ben Affleck should step away from in front of the camera - where he's frequently criticized - and get behind it. While I think he's underrated as an actor (case in point: Chasing Amy), I wholeheartedly agree that he should explore this other side of his talent, which has unfortunately taken a back seat to his numerous action duds over the years.

If anyone had any doubt that Good Will Hunting was actually written by Affleck and Matt Damon (and there were some doubters early on), one only has to hear the words emerging from characters mouths in this movie. Containing several well-written speeches which are a joy to listen to, the dialogue in this movie is excellent. In addition to the great speeches involving admittedly dark subject matter, the film is unexpectedly funny, in addition to being affecting and involving. I believe you should go into this movie with as little known about it as possible, so I will end this review here, suffice to say that the direction (Affleck's debut film as director) is tight and assured, the script (co-written by Affleck and Aaron Stockard) is entertaining and affecting, and the ending - somewhat refreshingly - doesn't give you any definitive closure. Gone Baby Gone is something you need to see.

I will leave you with a speech between the characters of Detective Bressant (Ed Harris) and Patrick (Casey Affleck). It contains a minor spoiler, but not really because it isn't detailed enough to give anything away. I figured I'd warn you anyway. I couldn't remember the entire speech from memory, of course, so I downloaded a bootleg of the movie so I could transcribe it for you word for word. Enjoy.

You should be proud of yourself. Most guys would've stayed outside.

I don't know.

What don't you know?

A priest says shame is God telling you what you did was wrong.

Fuck him.

Murder's a sin.

Depends on who you do it to.

Ain't how it works. It is what it is.


I planted evidence on a guy once. Back in '95... we were paying a hundred an eight-ball to snitches. Got a call from our pal Ray Likanski. We couldn't find enough guys to rat out. Anyways, he tells us there's a guy pumpin' up in an apartment up in Columbia Point. We go in, me and Nicky. Fifteen years ago, when Nicky went in, it was no joke. So, it's a stash house - the old lady's beat to shit, the husband's mean, cracked out. He tries to give us trouble, Nicky lays him down... We're doing an inventory, and it looks like we messed up because there's no dope in the house and I go in the back room... And this place was a shithole, mind you. Rats, roaches all over the place. But the kid's room in the back... was spotless. He swept it, he mopped it. It was immaculate. The little boy's sittin' on the bed holdin' on to his Playstation for dear life. There's no expression on his face. Tears streamin' down. He wants to tell me he just learned his multiplication tables.


I mean the father's got him in this... crack den, subsisting on twinkies and ass-whippings. And this little boy... just wants someone to tell him that he's doing a good job. You're worried what's Catholic? Kids forgive. Kids... don't judge. Kids turn the other cheek. What do they get for it? So I went back out there, I put an ounce of heroin on the living room floor, and I sent the father on a ride... seven to nine.

That was the right thing?

Fuckin' A! You gotta take a side. You molest a child... you beat a child... you're not on my side. If you see me comin' you better run because I'm gonna lay you the fuck down. Easy.

Don't feel easy.

Is the kid better off without his father? Yeah. But ok, I mean, he could be out there right now, pumpin' with a gun in his waistband. It's a war, man. Are we winning? No.


Would you do it again?


Does that make it right?

I don't know.

It doesn't make it wrong, though, does it?

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