Monday, May 14, 2007

Just wanted to point out that we're not even into the summer movie season yet (which officially starts on Memorial Day weekend) and we've actually had some great films so far this year.
Usually the studios dump their crap into theaters between February and May, release their big blockbusters between June and August, lots of terrible horror movies are released between September and October, and then the awards season releases begin in November and end in January (where small films then open in wide release).
Well, we're in the middle of May, and so far this year we've had the unusual pleasure of seeing movies like Grindhouse, The Lookout, Zodiac (which is no less than a masterpiece), The Hoax, Waitress, and 28 Weeks Later. And even better, in the weeks ahead we have Knocked Up (Judd Apatow's new movie; June 1st), Fay Grim, Once, The Wendell Baker Story (all May 18th), The Golden Door, Ten Canoes (both May 25th), Rescue Dawn (July 4th), and many, many more smaller films. And that's just the next couple of months. Hopefully this means a good year for movies.

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