Thursday, July 14, 2005

Holy shit... I was watching the new Real World... you have this one black guy in the house who's against the Iraq war, and then everybody else are these Abercrombie people who are highly uneducated about what's really going on (sample convo: Guy #1- "We shouldn't be there."
Guy #2- "3,000 innocent people died, that's not a reason to be there?") (Of course, we know that one thing has no connection with the other...) What's worse is you have a chick that was over there, and she thinks it's disrespectful to show footage of combat and soldiers dying. Damn, it just makes me sick to see people who are so misinformed and don't even set out to learn more about something which might, God forbid, change their opinion. Jesus Christ... I would not want to be in that house.

EDIT: I was looking up stuff about the RW cast...turns out the "Guy #2" in the conversation above is from an "affluent" family. hmm...SHOCKING.

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